Kamis, 30 September 2010

dine for....


the setting
Nestled right in front of the most frequented beach on the island, Legian Beach Hotel stands in the middle of Kuta and Seminyak. The ocean view is paired with an interesting people-watching experience as you see groups of beachcombers migrate up and down the pre-sunset beach.

shakti dining room

the setting
Placed at the centre of Fivelements Puri Ahimsa healing centre, Shakti dining room is a treat for your mind, soul, and digestive tract. The inspiring architecture of predominant bamboo stretched and structured into flowing curves exudes an austere feeling of harmony between what is grown and what is built. Don’t limit yourself to just the restaurant, walk around the place and enjoy the wonderfully crafted structures that can be best described as a Willy Wonka-Swiss Family Robinson mash-up.


the setting
Feyloon is right on Bemo Corner across the street from KFC on Jl. Raya Kuta. Its interior screams Cantonese, dominated by red and strong Hong Kong-inspired motifs. With large tables in a huge banquet setting, it’s the perfect place for large gatherings, because the only way to truly enjoy Chinese cuisine is to do it family style.



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