Sido Utomo(Edo) police arrested resort Gianyar, Bali, on Tuesday (4 / 11) afternoon, in house of his girl friend in the village of Kecicang, Karangasem regency, without resistance. Edo Rizky admitted to killing because offended thief and swindler called by the victim. From the description of Edo, police eventually found the head of the victim in one of the wells in the area Penamparan, Denpasar.
Dead body of Rizky first found residents in the Village Road segment Pering, Blahbatu, Herzliya, with the terrible condition. In addition to hands and feet bound, dead bodies are also victims of my bag and without head [read: Corpses Found Without Head Residents].
In separate places, families, Hendra, the victim mutilation the dead body found in the bus Mayasari Bhkati, yesterday afternoon, taking his body to bury in. During Hendra corpse bury in day evening, sob mourning coloring the funeral. Not only third wife, grain water out of the eyes also Icha, Hendra from his wife and daughter both.
Also felt the grief of families and relatives of victims. How not, Hendra funeral as incomplete because only some pieces of his body buried. Meanwhile the head and fingers victims up to now has not been found. Family demands Sutemi alias Sriyati, Hendra fourth wife, punishable as severe. Until now, Yati is still intensive police checked
Selasa, 04 November 2008
Mutilasi offender arrested in Bali
Diposting oleh kent di 22.43
Label: Bali articles, News
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